6:01:16 PM

Freehand Drawing Class

Focused entirely on freehand drawing, the work presented here was done for a class that taught students traditional types of two- and three-dimensional projection drawings. With an understanding of the value of these different types of drawings, students could then use these techniques in their studio design process. Weekly assignments asked students to construct accurate projections of objects and or spaces, learn the terms used in drawing, successfully develop a control of line weight and paper usage, to explain the strengths and weaknesses of various orthographic and perspective drawing, and to select the best drawing type for a given problem.


What follows are several sample assignments which demonstrate the techniques and skills learned in the freehand drawing class. I’ve darkened the construction lines so they can be seen on most monitors.

 View: 2nd yr Projects

Axonometric enlargement of a ps/2 to usb converter.

Two point perspective drawing of a hand stapler.

Axonometric drawing of a metal clamp. Threads were not drawn.

Axonometric of a wine glass.